Johanna Carmona for Healthcare

I believe that healthcare is a fundamental human right, not a privilege. My vision is to champion a healthcare system where every New Yorker has access to comprehensive, affordable, and high-quality healthcare services, regardless of their income, race, or background.

Vision for Healthcare: Ensuring Access for All

My policy framework for healthcare is designed to be holistic, addressing not only the physical health needs of our community but also mental health, accessibility, and the social determinants of health that impact well-being. By tackling these issues collectively, we can create a healthcare environment that is more equitable, responsive, and sustainable. My commitment is to ensure that healthcare reform benefits all members of our community, particularly those who have been historically underserved and marginalized.

Comprehensive Coverage and Affordability

The rising cost of healthcare has become an insurmountable barrier for many families in New York, preventing access to necessary medical services and treatments. My healthcare policy focuses on eliminating these barriers:

  • Expanding Insurance Coverage: I support the expansion of insurance programs and the implementation of a single-payer system to ensure that every New Yorker is covered.

  • Reducing Out-of-Pocket Costs: By negotiating lower drug prices,capping out-of-pocket expenses, and ensuring pricing transparency and equity across services, we can make healthcare more affordable for everyone.

  • Strengthening Mental Health Services: Increasing funding for mental health services to ensure that mental health care is as accessible as physical health care.

Promoting Health Equity and Accessibility

Understanding that health disparities disproportionately affect marginalized communities, my policy prioritizes initiatives aimed at achieving health equity:

  • Addressing Social Determinants: Investing in programs that address the root causes of health disparities, such as poverty, housing instability, and food insecurity.

  • Improving Accessibility: Enhancing the accessibility of healthcare facilities and services for people with disabilities, including the provision of adequate transportation and physical access.

  • Culturally Competent Care: Training healthcare providers to deliver care that is respectful of and responsive to the cultural and linguistic needs of diverse patient populations.

Transforming the healthcare system requires the collective effort of government agencies, healthcare providers, community organizations, and the private sector.

As your representative, I pledge to be an unwavering advocate for healthcare reform in Albany, fighting tirelessly to ensure our healthcare policies reflect our shared values of compassion, equity, and justice. 

Together, we can build a healthcare system that truly serves the needs of every New Yorker, making our state a model for accessible and equitable healthcare nationwide.