Johanna Carmona for LGBTQ+ & Reproductive Justice

I understand that these issues are not just matters of personal freedom but are essential to the health, safety, and dignity of our community. My vision is to create a New York where everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or reproductive choices, feels respected, protected, and valued.

Recognizing that LGBTQ+ and reproductive rights are under threat in many parts of the country, I am determined to fortify and expand these rights in New York, making our state a beacon of progress and inclusivity. Together, we will build a community where everyone has the freedom to live openly and authentically, with access to the care and services they need to thrive.

Protecting and Expanding Rights

In the face of ongoing challenges to LGBTQ+ and reproductive freedoms, my policy focuses on safeguarding and extending these essential rights:

  • Enshrining LGBTQ+ Protections: I will work to codify comprehensive anti-discrimination laws that protect LGBTQ+ individuals in housing, employment, education, and public accommodations, ensuring that no one is denied their rights because of who they are or whom they love.

  • Defending Reproductive Autonomy: I am unwavering in my support for reproductive rights, including the right to choose. I will advocate for legislation that protects and expands access to abortion and reproductive healthcare services, ensuring that these decisions remain between a person and their healthcare provider.

Ensuring Healthcare Access and Education

Access to healthcare and comprehensive education is fundamental to LGBTQ+ and reproductive justice:

  • Expanding Healthcare Access: I support policies that guarantee comprehensive healthcare for all, including LGBTQ+ individuals. This includes access to gender-affirming treatments, HIV/AIDS care, and reproductive health services, free from discrimination or barriers.

  • Comprehensive Sex Education: I will champion sex education programs that are inclusive, evidence-based, and provide young people with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health and relationships. Education is a powerful tool in promoting understanding, respect, and equality.

  • Protecting and Expanding Access to Safe and Legal Abortion: I will tirelessly defend the right to abortion and work to expand access, ensuring that clinics are safe, welcoming, and accessible to all, regardless of income or geographic location.

  • Supporting Family Planning and Contraceptive Access: I advocate for increased funding for family planning services and ensuring that contraceptives are affordable and accessible to everyone who needs them, including teenagers and marginalized communities.

  • Fostering Maternal and Infant Health: Addressing New York's maternal mortality and morbidity rates, especially among women of color, is a priority. I will fight for comprehensive prenatal and postnatal care, support for midwifery and doula services, and policies that promote safe and healthy pregnancies and childbirth experiences.

  • Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth: I am committed to creating safe and supportive environments for LGBTQ+ youth, including anti-bullying initiatives and access to mental health services, to ensure that every young person can thrive.

  • Advancing Reproductive Justice: Recognizing the intersections of race, poverty, and access to healthcare, I will work to address disparities in reproductive health services and advocate for policies that support the health and autonomy of all New Yorkers.

Achieving reproductive justice requires collaboration across sectors and communities. As your representative, I pledge to work alongside healthcare providers, advocacy groups, and community leaders to implement policies that reflect our shared commitment to reproductive justice. My commitment is to listen to and uplift the voices of those most affected by reproductive health disparities, ensuring that our policies are informed by the real needs and experiences of New Yorkers.

Together, we can build a New York that leads the nation in reproductive justice, where every individual has the freedom and support to make the best decisions for their health, their bodies, and their futures.