Johanna Carmona for Education

Education is the foundation of a thriving community and the bedrock of opportunity for every child. My vision is to create an educational system that is equitable, inclusive, and capable of nurturing the potential in every student, ensuring they are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resilience to succeed in an ever-changing world.

My comprehensive approach to education reform is centered around the belief that every child, regardless of background or economic status, deserves access to a high-quality education. This means not only addressing disparities in funding and resources but also creating an environment that fosters growth, innovation, and well-being. I envision a school system that celebrates diversity, promotes critical thinking, and prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. 

Equity and Access

The issue of educational equity is at the forefront of my policy agenda. Many of our schools, particularly in underserved communities, face significant challenges:

  • Closing the Funding Gap: I will advocate for increased state funding to ensure all schools have access to the resources they need to thrive. This includes up-to-date textbooks, technology, and facilities that support a modern learning environment.

  • Supporting Teachers and Staff: Our educators are the heart of our schools. I will fight for fair wages, professional development opportunities, and smaller class sizes to allow for more individualized attention to students.

  • Expanding Early Childhood Education: Recognizing the importance of early learning, I support universal pre-K and daycare programs that provide a strong foundation for academic success and social development.

Inclusivity and Well-Being

Understanding that education extends beyond academics, my policy focuses on the whole child:

  • Mental Health Services: Every school should have access to mental health professionals and programs that support student well-being. I advocate for policies that embed mental health education and services within our schools.

  • Special Education and English Language Learners: I am committed to enhancing support for special education programs and ELL services, ensuring that every student receives personalized and effective instruction tailored to their needs.

  • Anti-Bullying Initiatives: Creating safe and welcoming schools is non-negotiable. My policy includes comprehensive anti-bullying programs that promote respect, understanding, and conflict resolution.

Innovation and Future-Readiness

Preparing students for the future is a key pillar of my educational vision:

  • STEM and Arts Education: I will champion STEM and arts programs that ignite creativity, foster innovation, and prepare students for the jobs and industries of tomorrow.

  • Civic Engagement and Lifelong Learning: Education should empower students to be active, informed citizens. I support integrating civic education and opportunities for community service into the curriculum.

  • Technology Integration: Ensuring that all students have access to and proficiency with technology is critical. I will support policies and programs that promote digital literacy, put suitable learning devices in the hands of our students, and pushing for increased, accessible broadband access for all.

Achieving these goals requires a collaborative effort. I am committed to working alongside educators, parents, community leaders, and policymakers to enact meaningful reforms. Through public-private partnerships, community engagement, and legislative action, we can overcome the challenges facing our education system.

Let's build an educational system that empowers every student to reach their full potential, together.